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Disclaimer: The entries you find in these pages are based on my individual opinions and thoughts. Some of the entries may be just plain wrong, and others harmful. Should you choose to act on, or try, anything you find on this site, you assume any and all risks associated with your actions. So there.


MacBook and Photoshop CS2

May 18, 2006

If you have a MacBook Pro (mine is the 17") and want to install Adobe Photoshop CS2, you'd better do it before you install the Security Update 2006-003 (Intel). If you try to install it after this update, it will lockup you entire computer right after the install begins.

Installing Adobe Photoshop CS2 on a MacBook Pro
If this happens to you, reinstall Mac OS X 10.4.5 from the installer disk that came with your computer. Then, before you do anything else, install your Photoshop software. After that, update Photoshop completely. Then update Mac OS X. I hope this saves you some time. This probably is the same for Adobe Creative Suite CS2, although I haven't tried that.

Voice Pro VP206, VP208, VP412 PDF Manual (updated)

May 18, 2006

[4/19/2012 UPDATE Please note: if you're unit does not have the Voice Logic logo on it, this is not the correct manual and will not work for you.]

My Voice Logic Voice Pro VP206 is a great voice mail and office attendant. I use it as an announce only system which transfers calls directly to my employees cellphones. It's great. Too bad the company that makes it is gone.

My system needed to be reprogrammed after a power failure earlier this week (the internal battery is dead), and I needed access to the manual. My manual was at home, a 40 minute round trip away, so I figured I could Google it to get a copy.

All of the Google results point to this website that wants to sell you a print version for about $20. After frustrating myself for a few minutes trying to find another version, I realized that I had a PDF version of the Voice Pro manual stowed away in my documentation folder. I had downloaded it when I was investigating purchasing the unit several years ago.

[4/19/2012 UPDATE Please note: if you're unit does not have the Voice Logic logo on it, this is not the correct manual and will not work for you. Instead you need to get the more current manual from this site: Stok.com.]

So, here it is in all it's FREE glory, download the Voice Logic Voice Pro Installation Programming Manual for models VP206, VP208, and VP412 (PDF, zipped, 3.8Mb). This also includes the Quick Start Guide and the Voice Pro Addendum SWV 2.02. Enjoy.

Please, if you grab this, shoot me a quick note using the email link at the very bottom of this page to tell me how you found me. The feedback will help me to decide whether to leave this file available.

Well, since I've posted this, many people have downloaded the manual. Thank you for your emails.

While we're on the subject of the Voice Pro, the battery in mine went dead. It never lasted the 6 hours indicated, more like about 1. But now it's completely toast. The remedy is quite simple: buy a USP, like an APC BackUPS Pro or similar. If you plug only the Voice Pro into it, you should get 2-3 times the advertised life of the battery backup you purchased. I did this (bought a 650VA version) and my Voice Pro can survive hours and hours after a power outage (a problem where our office is).