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Disclaimer: The entries you find in these pages are based on my individual opinions and thoughts. Some of the entries may be just plain wrong, and others harmful. Should you choose to act on, or try, anything you find on this site, you assume any and all risks associated with your actions. So there.


Are You a Photographer?

May 5, 2007

I'm an enthusiastic amateur photographer. A fellow photographer and friend pointed out, written by David Hobby, back in January. After perusing the site a bit, I started reading his Lighting 101 section. Boy, was that ever an eye-opener. I am a sucker for stuff that is written by people in my demographic (Hobby and I are about the same age, born in the mid-'60s), and Hobby's style and know-how gripped me from the start.

Starting June 4th is Hobby's Lighting 102. This gives you fellow photogs enough time to read up on Lighting 101, get your Flickr Account and join the fun. I can guarantee you that you won't read another blog and join another group that will be more informative than these. You will learn more, even if you are an advanced pro, from this great group of people, than you will learn anywhere else.

Oh, and while you're at it, check out my Flickr pages.